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【IC】Acrylic Keyboard Covers in Full-Size, 60%, and TKL

类型: IC
作者: Den441
发布时间: 2015-09-14 17:44:36
更新时间: 2015-09-14 17:44:36
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=75232.0

Hey everyone, I’m checking in to see if there is any interest in acrylic keyboard dust covers. The ones available already seem to be around the $30 mark plus shipping. I haven’t seen different sizes either. I would like to get some and aim to sell them around $14-18 plus shipping. There would be around 34 available in each size (TKL, 60%, Full) If you haven’t seen these before they are basically a rectangular acrylic covering with a slot in the back for your cable.
Since I doubt the 34 slots for each will fill, I will buy the rest of them to sell in my own store. If there is any damage to them coming from china (which is highly likely with this stuff), I will claim the damaged ones as part of the ones I buy and deal with the manufacturer myself. Should there be so many damaged that it bleeds over into the GB’s orders, I will issue a full refund immediately to the people last on the lists. For the GB to happen, I would like to see interest in at least 20 pieces of each size. If you are interested, please post here or use this form: http://goo.gl/forms/MksT1JAoxx

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