Hike News
Hike News

【GB】Gonna take you right into the ... DANGER ZONE! 【Shipped】

类型: GB
作者: Data
发布时间: 2015-09-15 12:45:15
更新时间: 2016-02-24 12:34:06
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=75254.0


The Danger Zone group buy which originated from this interest check is now available for purchase on Massdrop. The drop will be open until September 30th. We’re already off to a good start. Prices are as follows:
Code: [Select]

TKL Base Kit$72.99 Alt Function Pack$11.99 NumPad Pack$32.99 AeroDox Pack$55.99 JD40 Pack$18.99 Planck+Atomic Pack$26.99 Arrow Pack$17.99 Dogfighter Pack$11.99 Maverick Pack$18.99 RAF Pack$16.99 Wingman Pack$39.99
(All prices in US dollars)
/ Standard SP price tiers apply!* But for technical reasons they couldn’t be shown in the drop listing. MD will monitor the drop closely and update price breaks daily as new tiers are unlocked.
Watch for price breaks here: http://www.massdrop.community/ (updated daily)

Here’s the TKL Base Kit.

Child kits and sample images are available on the Massdrop listing and in the Imgur album here: http://imgur.com/a/UmDsa
