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【IC】KBD67 MKII plates (POM and FR4)

类型: IC
作者: Morthekaiser
发布时间: 2020-06-22 08:17:34
更新时间: 2020-06-22 10:30:15
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=107086.0

I start this IC with the intention of offering the option to buy plates of other materials for KBD67, being them FR4 and POM (just these for now). The idea is that users can have a wider range when choosing what type of plate to use, thus having a possibility of feelings in sound and tactility when typing on their keyboard. If interested, fill out this Form
As for POM, I am still researching supplier and prices, I will update them when I get it.
Version Soldered
FR4 Color Black
Thickness: 1.5mm
Color: Black
MOQ: 0/10
Price: $25
Thickness: 1.5mm
Color: Black or White
MOQ: 0/20
Price: (Estimated Price $ 30) (It will still be updated as I find a factory for processing)
Leave your comment. Help me with feedback to improve this IC
There won’t be a GB, this IC is to give me the basis of how many people are interested in what is offered in this post, my intention is to sell the plates in stock. That way I don’t produce a quantity that is too high, so there are no stranded plates, nor do I produce a quantity so low that I cannot meet the demand.

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