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Hike News

【IC】DK Saver Style-TOP piece for Jane CE

类型: IC
作者: 【Lewynlight】
发布时间: 2019-01-08 23:02:20
更新时间: 2019-01-14 01:35:47
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=98890.0

As Descripted above,
This IC is for DK saver style top piece, Engineered by Yuktsi himself for Jane CE.
compatibility list:
Jane CE, and only Jane CE.

1 set include:
-CNC’d Aluminum Top piece (With TGR logo I hope)
-Plate (would be aluminum or FR4)
-compatible PCB ( I’m going to beg the fk out of hiney for this)
Pricing? i dunno. Less than US$200 i hope.
Yuktsi said i need 5 (FIVE) Piece of TOP for this thing to happen, so please HELP ME! :'(
the layout will be like this:

not my picture, credit to the photographer.
there will be korean style cut for the plate as well.
render is still in planning, if enough people are interested..
