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【IC】GMK Solarized Dark - GB Live!

类型: IC
作者: rainb1ood
发布时间: 2017-02-15 09:36:57
更新时间: 2017-06-20 22:20:03
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=87677.0

We are proud to share this keyset which is a result of a collaborative project that we have recently been working on.
This keyset is heavily inspired by Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized which is popularly used as color schemes for terminals and IDEs, hence the name — Solarized Dark.
We are still finalizing the kits, but here’s a few things you can expect from it:

1800 / WKL / HHKB / FC660M / 75% / Ergodox
Scoops and barred homing keys
What do you think about this set? We’d also like to hear your thoughts!
Beautifully rendered by thethesiscamper.
Please visit thesiscamper’s site at http://www.keyrenders.com/interest-checks/
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