类型: IC
作者: d.walkr3
发布时间: 2016-12-20
更新时间: 2016-12-20 10:15:31
EDIT: See original project post here–
UPDATE: I’ve spoken to a few people and drafted some
designs, and I bring good news for project WoodWalker
. I have full access to a CNC machine, laser etcher, and
3d scanner+printer. I, nor the expert I spoke to, do not
expect to run into any problems with wood
shrinkage/expansion from moisture levels. I’ll be able to
mill within 1/1000” and, in addition to the plate’s small
dimensions, I plan to use kiln-dried, tightly-grained lumber
and apply sealant to the plate to further protect against
any dimensional variance. For those wondering about the
design of the case, it will arrive in 3 parts: Top, plate,
and bottom. The plate will be milled+laser etched, and l
will be doing everything else by hand.
Regarding the
projects’ progress, I plan to start production in about 2
WEEKS, as soon as I am able to produce a proto-type.
Unfortunately I will be out of town for a week starting
Thursday, or I’d be able to start earlier. Right now, I’m
meeting with my partner and finalizing specifics. see below
for tentative options to expect for the case:
- Selection of premium exotic woods for front and back lengthwise rails, widthwise side rails, and bottom. - price will vary depending on selections
- Custom-felted bottom (and lower interior?) - $25 w/choice of color
- Custom wooden feet with your selection of wood (permanent feet) - $10 ($20 for felt-tipped)
- USB cut-out - $10
- Finish - ($10-$30 depending on wood requirements)
“WoodWalker” hand-burnt into case (free)
Expect the case to total somewhere between $200-375 (subject to change) depending on selection of wood/options. Also expect images of the design profiles of the case later today. Please bear in mind the case will have a slightly larger footprint than stock.
Due to the personalization of the WoodWalker, and the time constraints I’m dealing with, this first round of production will be extremely limited. I plan on grinding out 12-16 hour days to produce as many cases as possible, but I’d much rather produce half as many with twice the quality. ***/*IMPORTANT/****Obviously, the time-frame is very short between the buying period and the period you guys have to view the proto-type. In effort to speed up the transition, and so I can gauge interest please sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/xzAaRb0B5pF5C2pG2. Please be sure to say if your username is from Geekhack or Reddit.
Let’s get this thing done.