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【IC】Currently unnamed split adjustable ergonomic Topre keyboard

类型: IC
作者: attheicearcade
发布时间: 2016-10-02 01:01:55
更新时间: 2016-10-02 10:44:28
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=84985.0

Some of you may have come across my long running project on deskthority: https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/designing-a-custom-topre-board-t11734.html. To summarise, I have been attempting to (and so far successfully) make a split hand, adjustable column ergonomic keyboard that supports Topre switches through my custom electronics. The electronics are coming along nicely along with the firmware, here are the controllers:

They use Teensy 3.1/3.2 boards.
I just want a quick check to find out how many people might be interested in buying the keyboard before I go spending too much money, which is also why I haven’t build a full keyboard yet. I will be getting select parts to further test electronics and the manufacturer capability.
The case parts (no electronics or switches) will likely be around £100 given a batch of 100, made in the UK. The electronics price depends on if I get the PCBs fully populated or just sell the blank circuit boards (both from China), the first will be more expensive than the second, but you’ll have to do a fair amount of soldering. But you will need to solder anyway after building the columns.
The case should also be compatible with more standard MX style switches, in a more typical custom keyboard setup (full hand wiring).
If you’re interested, please post the particular variant you’d be interested in: (2x Teensies not included, you’d also need a Topre / clone keyboard for switches if you want Topre)

  • £100 - Just the case (for MX)
  • £130 - Case and blank PCBs (you’d need to spend a fair amount on components)
  • £200 - Case and assembled electronics
    Note that any of the prices could be completely wrong. The case price is based on quotes from manufacturers for 100 keyboards, but the electronics is based on component cost which I had to pay + conjectured assembly price. I’m trying to be conservative, I don’t want the price to go up in future.