类型: IC
作者: mrbishop
发布时间: 2016-06-06 13:50:54
2016-06-06 23:01:57
Something ive been tinkering with for abit. i do alot of
design work using various software. all of them have hot
keys which do make things easier but are often not usually
easily accessible via a single hand. this means in order to
hit certain keys you have to take your hand off the
mouse/trackpad/trackball. which is annoying. i
also do a fare amount of FPS gaming.
rev1 was built for
use with a teensy 2.0 both for simplicity on myself and for
cost of manufacturing. oh yeah will make everything open
source as soon as i stop being lazy and upload the files to
i look forward to your thoughts.
matrix pad.zip
(67.2 kB - downloaded 115 times.) this will be replaced with
something that becomes updated regularly.