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【IC】Full Aluminum 65% keyboard

类型: IC
作者: zennasyndroxx
发布时间: 2016-01-27 01:05:11
更新时间: 2016-01-27 01:29:44
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=79112.0

I know that the Whitefox drop wasn’t too long ago but still, custom full aluminum 65% is still pretty rare in the market.
I’ve bought some Leeku’s Finger L3 PCB previously, the one with 65% layout and wanted to make an aluminum case for the board else the pcbs would go to waste.
Features of the case (for now):
Fully CNC-ed aluminum, 2 part case design
You can screw the plate either to the top part of the case or the bottom part of the case
Angled bottom case
I’ll be getting the renders and start prototyping on Q1 and see if there’s any issues to be fixed.
Some info for the L3 PCB:

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