类型: IC
作者: 00zeRO
发布时间: 2016-01-20 19:48:39
2016-03-06 18:37:13
There Is No Spoon - Inspired by the Matrix Series I:
(Banner made by PMK’s marketing team back during the
failed GB of these)
SA Row 1 - 1x1u ABS Double Shot Pairs:
SA Row 3 - 1x1u ABS Double Shot Pairs:
DSA - 1x1u ABS Double Shot Pairs:
What is Pick-A-Profile?: Any number of SA Row 1, SA
Row 3, or DSA are available in pairs (sets of 2). Buy as
many pairs as you like in whatever profile you want, all in
one Group Buy.
**Color Codes:
BDH - Blue
RA -
WA - White
NN - Black
- Bonus Buy: Single Blank SA Row 3 1x1u ABS Scoops (Deep Dish Homing Keys) available in Black and/or Blue and/or Red at $4 per set of 2!
Bonus Buy: Single Blank SA Row 1 and SA Row 3
1x1u ABS Keys available in Black and/or Blue and/or Red at
$2 per set of 2!**
Pricing: 4persetregardlessofprofile.BlankHomingkeysare4 per set; and Blank keys are 2perset.Everyorderwillhavea2 group buy fee. Shipping will still be 4USDShippedtoUS;10 USD Shipped to Canada/Mexico; and 14USDShippedInternational(OCONUS).Forexample,youbuyonepairineachprofile,and2BlackScoops=12 + 4+2 (GB fee) + 4(shippingtoNYC)=22 total.
Invoicing will be done as we go along. More information available as we plan this. GB opens early March.