类型: IC
作者: Elocutive
发布时间: 2014-11-25
更新时间: 2014-11-25 14:15:01
Disclaimer: I cannot complete this group buy! I do not have
the time nor the skill! I know this is something that I
want, and think many others would be also, so I am starting
an IC so someone who could complete the GB can hopefully
start one up.
Now that that is spelled out, let me
propose my idea. I, and I think/ hope many others, are
interested in an aluminum case. I know it is very difficult
and would be rather expensive to make, but I would be in for
one no matter what. I am really hoping we can get a whole
bunch of people saying they are interested and would buy
one, and drum up interest so we can get someone with the
know-how to make one for us. Anyway, lets throw some ideas
around and see if we can’t get some things going! If not,
then hey, no harm done.
Another question I would like
answered: can we get an estimate on approximately how much
one of these would actually cost? I have checked a lot of
threads where this idea has been tossed around, and everyone
has just said “a lot”. If we could get a real number, then
hopefully we could start start a google form, and see how
much interest there really is, and go from there.
Interest check google form ^^^
I know this is
very different than a normal IC, but I am really not sure
where else it could go. Mods, if I have this in the wrong
place or did anything against the rules, feel free to lock
it up.