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【IC】ErgoDox group buy Switzerland|Austria|Germany

类型: IC
作者: The Compiler
发布时间: 2014-03-17 02:30:31
更新时间: 2014-03-17 02:30:31
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=56005.0

I’m looking to get an ErgoDox, probably from czarek at deskthority, though probably I’ll source some stuff (Teensy, Electronics) elsewhere where they are cheaper.
We’re already 3-4 interested people from my workplace.
Anyone else in Switzerland/Germany/Austria who’d be interested in joining? I visit DE/AT quite often, so I can then mail the stuff to you with your local mail service.
Regarding price/sources, this is the notes I made so far:
Code: [Select]

Case —- - via czarek[1]: 40 EUR -> 50 CHF shipping 10 EUR (20?) -> 13 CHF (25?) - laser cutting acrylic? (fablab ZH/soon hackerspace basel?) - 3D print? PCB — - via czarek[1]: 25 EUR -> 30 CHF shipping with case - any really cheap manifacturer? - DIY, e.g. Bastli ZH (probably not worth the hassle) Electronics/Cables —————— sans teensy/switches 1 MCP23018-E/SP I/O expander [1.81] 76-80 1N4148 diodes, SOD-123 package or DO-35 (0.3” pitch) [BEH] 2 2.2 kΩ resistors [BEH] 3 3mm T1 LEDs [BEH] 3 ~220 Ω resistors, or match to LED. [BEH] 5 Short jumpers [BEH] 1 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor [BEH] 1 USB mini B connector WM17115. [1.49] 1 USB mini B plug with short cable (such as H2955). [1.19] 1 USB cable male A to male mini B. [x] 2 3.5 mm TRRS sockets, CP-43514. FC68129 will also work if its extra pins are snipped off. [2.76] 1 Cable with two 3.5 mm TRRS plugs. (e.g. FC68129) [6.09] - via czarek[1]: 17 EUR -> 20 CHF - via BEH/digikey: <= 13.34 USD -> 12 CHF Teensy —— - via czarek[1]: 18 EUR -> 22 CHF - via adafruit[2]: 16 USD -> 13 CHF shipping: 12 USD -> 10 CHF (maybe less, adafruit group order /#2?) - via boxtec[3]: 20 CHF shipping: CHF 9.30 Keycaps ——- - via pimpmykeyboard[4]: 25 USD + 18 USD -> 38 CHF shipping: 25 USD -> 22 CHF Switches ——– - via digikey: black: 0.648 USD /* 80 -> 45 CHF clear: 0.99 USD /* 80 -> 70 CHF blue: 0.90 USD /* 80 -> 63 CHF - via mechanicalkeyboards[5]: clear: 0.49 USD /* 80 -> 34 CHF blue: 0.49 USD /* 80 -> 34 CHF brown: 0.49 USD /* 80 -> 34 CHF red/black/grey/clear: ////ing expensive (1.3 - 2 USD) only does (free) US shipping, but with some proxy[6] still might be less expensive - via 7bit[7]: div: 0.65 EUR / 80 -> 63 CHF div (clear case): 0.50 EUR / 80 -> 50 CHF shipping 4 EUR (only .de?). Stock problems. ================= -> 200 - 250 CHF [1] http://deskthority.net/marketplace-f11/ergodox-pcbs-cases-electronics-and-assembly-services-t6972.html [2] http://www.adafruit.com/products/199 [3] http://shop.boxtec.ch/teensy-usb-board-p-40724.html [4] http://keyshop.pimpmykeyboard.com/product/dsa-pbt-blank-sets [5] http://mechanicalkeyboards.com/shop/index.php?l=search_list&s[search]=cherry+mx&s[title]=Y&s[short_desc]=Y&s[full_desc]=Y&s[sku]=Y&s[match]=all&s[cid]=0 [6] http://www.shipito.com/ [7] http://deskthority.net/marketplace-f11/cherry-mx-taking-pre-orders-t2760.html
