类型: IC
作者: jil_jil32
发布时间: 2012-06-03 03:20:59
2013-08-07 03:26:55
The GB for this keyset is ON HOLD
The GB thread:
Jul 02 - It’s BACK!
Make it short… So it is the plan…
Which option do you wanted the most?
And the options for Fn keycap
Color code should be TBN on TEA & TBN on VF (or
TEA on VF)…
Anyone interested in? [ 31 sets so far] - NO SPACEBAR
- /#1: 8 sets
- /#2: 16 sets
/#3: 10 sets
alixinhzai (/#2)
jil_jil32 (/#1/ 2)
Wraul (/#2 any logo Fn keycaps) x2 sets
JKer (/#2)
longweight (/#3, Green Backslash, Blank Modifiers)
megnin (/#2 option: any logo Fn keycaps, Blank Modifiers)
suprsmo (/#2) x2 sets
boost (/#2)
reaper (/#2 any logo Fn keycaps)
paudash (/#1?)
postlapsaetia (/#1)
The_Beast (/#2 , 3 option: any logo Fn keycaps)
nh0cbilly (/#1)
hazeluff (/#2)
duc_nckt (/#3 option: tenkeypad kit)
Elrick (/#3 any options)
tmk1207 (/#3)
RtOaNn (/#3)
MagicMeatball (/#1?)
pasph (/#1? option: tenkeypad & iso kit)
chrisyou (/#3)
itznfb (/#2/ 3)
PointyFox (/#2 option: Star in circle Fn keycap)
captain (/#1 option: Spacebar in TEA, any logo Fn keycaps)
Ar3s (/#1)
pasph (/#3)
chopindong (/#1)
aesthetics1 (/#2)
rknize (/#3/ 2)
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52159[/ATTACH] [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52160[/ATTACH]