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【IC】GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!

类型: IC
作者: MrBingo
发布时间: 2022-08-26 09:06:08
更新时间: 2022-10-04 11:22:05
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=118195.0

HI! Welcome to GMK ³, a cube(d) console inspired set!

CV RO2 T9 CR and 3 custom colors for the Indigo, Green/teal and the light purple

Supernova by Charue Design

Austin by Drift Mechanics

Quetzal by Pensa73

Phidias by CMM.Studio

CUBED .. by Marichu

IC Form Updated!


US: NovelKeys
CAN: Desk Hero
MX: Rheset
UK: Prototypist
EU: Oblotzky
CN: Zfrontier
SEA: ilumkb
AU: Daily Clack

08/26/2022 - Post IC
08/26/2022 - Kits render color fixed. Added 1u spacebar gray and indigo. Added 1.25shift to the accent kit. Added 2 r4 gamepad novelties. Changed ‘’<- Back’’ to only ‘’Backspace” legend. Changed all legends to black in the accent kit.
08/29/2022 - Add all Vendors!
Rework and Fix all color.
Add 1 1u FN purple, add 1u “=’’ to the Base Kit.
Fix and rework of all novelties.
Rework on the spacebar kit.
Add 2 1u Super red key to Accent Kit.
Add one new Deskmat.
10/04/2022 - Fixed the keyboard renders with the new colors and lights.

  • Modify all render to match the colors as close as possible
  • Modify all the kits render with the new colors.
  • Modify keyboard render with the new colors.
    -Get Collabs
    Thanks to all your feedback!

    -My wife and friends for all the help, for giving me some ideas for the set and helping me to find the right name for this set.
    -To the people of the community.
    Follow me for more updates

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[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=118195.0][img width=400 height=120]https://EnterEnter.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/geekhack/118195/ZrFNw8A.png?x-oss-process=style/EnterEnter[/img][/url]

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