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Hike News

【IC】GMK Icon Modi (ft. beige) - finalizing kitting

类型: IC
作者: ankit
发布时间: 2022-07-11 16:53:09
更新时间: 2022-10-26 22:03:23
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=117751.0

GMK Icon Modi

I want this.
Beige modi kit is R5 to match Classic Beige and Hineybeige. WOB kit is R4 to match drop WOB. I dislike dixie mods.
Beige Icon Modi

WOB Icon Modi


rendered on daal p.2

Black Icon Modi
R1: CR MG1 R2: CR V2 R3: CR DY R4: CR N7 Control: CR RO2 Alt: CR N5 Blue Super: CR N5 Yellow Super: CR N6 Menu: CR V2
Beige Icon Modi
R1: U9 MG1 R2: U9 V2 R3: U9 DY R4: U9 N7 Control: U9 RO2 Alt: U9 N5 Blue Super: U9 N5 Yellow Super: U9 N6 Menu: U9 V2
Pricing and Vendors
Pricing - TBD.
Thinking about donating the designer cut this time instead of not taking one.
US - Mekibo (lead)
International - TBD
Special thanks & credits

hali for helping me with kitting
Laur for kitting render (their comms are open @ Laur/#9706)
Pontus for the board renders and tty kit renders (his comms are also open @ Pontus/#4691)
Dene for the idea to run the TTY add-on and being my favorite Albanian
Wangson for being my queen :-* :-* :-* :-*

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