Hike News
Hike News


类型: IC
作者: bobasweatandtears
发布时间: 2022-04-02 12:45:48
更新时间: 2022-11-10 20:57:28
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=116787.0

What started off as an April Fool’s idea, became a serious silly keycap set that I wanted to gift my mates :D.
//// can be used in many ////ing ways and it’s the only ////ing word that you can ////ing put every ////ing where and still make ////ing sense.
So here’s a tribute to the most adaptable and versatile word in the English language.Warning:
The following images are full of terminology that is considered bad, dirty, filthy, foul, vile, vulgar, coarse, in poor taste, unseemly, street talk, gutter talk, bawdy, naughty, rude, crude, lewd, indecent, profane, obscene, blue, taboo, explicit, offensive, off-color, cursing and cussing.

*Inspirational Bull//*/
Sometimes, there’s no better word to describe how you feel than that four letter F-word. It can mean and express so many things depending on context and phrasing.
What about an Enter key that says ‘//// It’ because you can’t be ////ed hesitating anymore

Or when you ragequit that game, thump that Expletive Escape key?
Or when you do a typo and you hit the “Un/
//” Backspace or ‘Fk No’ Delete key to erase something from existence

I mean why wouldn’t you want to be top off typing an angrily-worded message on a toxic forum like Reddit/Geekhack, by hitting a button that says ‘/
// You’ as you send it?

In Australia, offensive words can be considered compliments depending on intent, and as George Carlin aptly says - “These words have no power. We give them this power by refusing to be free and easy with them. We give them great power over us. They really, in themselves, have no power. It’s the thrust of the sentence that makes them either good or bad”
Anyways feel free to be offended or not. These are just words. Who ///*/*ing cares?
KBM also has now come on board as the manufacturer!
There has been a significant rehaul including the colour scheme becoming ‘Dolch’-esque, changes to some terms, plus several more fun deskmats (I hope you enjoy the additions as much as I do). There’s been simplifying kitting structure to 1 base kit, with 2 Modifier only and 2 Alpha only kits.
There’s now a red legend on black kit for a more aggressive aesthetic:

Toggle more to see the specific detail changes:

  • KBM is the chosen PBT dyesub manufacturer
  • Colour scheme changed from WoB to Dolch with Red accents, because I felt it looked more appealing
  • Accents were changed to White on Red, instead of Black on Red for better contrast legibility
  • Red on Black modifiers are available for a more aggressive aesthetic
  • White on Black Alphas will still be available as a separate Alpha kit, which you can combine with the Black on White Modifier kit if you prefer
  • Removal of the second base kit, and Black on White alphas
  • Additional top row 2.0u Backspace (“Un////“)
  • Additional top row 1u Red Accent keys: “////.” & “//// This” to accompany the existing “//// You” “//// It” and “//// No.” red keys
  • Legends on the 40% compatible keys changed
  • Multiple new deskpad designs added: Fubtle, Fucreation, FCK, F Club & F Dot Dot Dot. You can see drafts of other potential ones considered in the render gallery
  • Morons was removed. Fugram renamed to Fuxury
  • ///*/*pad is being considered for it’s own separate potential GB, given that it is associated with another keycap set, and to provide other swearword variations in other languages
  • Potential icon novelties with middle fingers removed for now
  • Artisans being planned
    ABCDEFU Base Kit

    Supports most common layouts, 60%-100%, including basic 40s, Terminal ISO, 1800, Alice (2.25u, 2.75u & 2.0u bars)
    //// the Mods kit

    Red legends on black modifiers for those who prefer a more aggressive aesthetic.
    *The Modi////ers base kit*

    White on black modifiers only. Can be used to complement an existing WoB/Monochrome set.
    Black Alfas Kit

    Gray Alfas Kit

    FUBAR Kit

    Red (Accent) Spacebars - 1.0u, 1.25u, 2.0u, 2.25u, 2.75u, 3.0u x 2, 6.0u (C), 6.25u, and 7.0u

    Album of older renders of when it was a monochrome White on Black colour scheme (note accents are no longer Black on Red): https://imgur.com/a/74aLh3e



    F Club

    F Dot Dot Dot


    *The ////pad*

    Tentative. Note this may split into it’s own GB as originally intended with other swear word variations
    Others that haven’t made the cut unless there’s interest:

Back the F Up

That’s all Fs Given

////in’ legends - still confirming full list
Groupbuy Date
// knows?
New feedback form since the colour scheme change!: https://forms.gle/UhvHyzbTogyEBUZS9

////ing Legends
(Referring to actual people; not the characters on the keycaps)
*Thank the ////* for:

Family and friends
Blender and Inkscape software for being free and the team behind their development
Imperfectlink’s KRK, and those who don’t mind anyone using their keyboard models for just some fun renders. Good on ya!
George Carlin for saying it like it is
The Witcher - for expanding my vocabulary
Aussies. I love that we use swear words for both positive and negative things and aren’t shy about that. Don’t take things too seriously
Mods (I say ///*/
the Mods, but mods are needed cause there’s just too many ///*/*wits like me on the internet)
