类型: IC
作者: treypop
发布时间: 2021-10-15
更新时间: 2021-12-08 14:07:38
This is an IC for a DSA or DCS big ass enter set I would
like to run it in white, black and maybe other colors if you
suggest anything else. I am looking at using NN for the
black color and WA for the white
This is truly just to gage interest and apart from
asking Signature Plastics if they still have molds for the
big ass enter key I have not finalized anything.
The mounting layout for the key supports ANSI and ISO
UPDATEI have updated the form and
added a question to determine what profile its run in. I
have also turned on response editing so if you have already
filled out the form please add what profile you want the set
to be run in.