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Hike News

【IC】GMK Jelly Delights | GB is Live !

类型: IC
作者: kaysoo1337
发布时间: 2021-02-24 10:15:06
更新时间: 2021-04-22 03:39:47
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=111390.0

Mod Edit: Please note that the original designer of this set, kozify, has been banned for a variety of reasons, and kaysoo is continuing the IC process for him. If this set does reach GB phase, kaysoo will be permitted to “run” the set in place of kozify (fulfillment will be completed by vendors). This same notice will also appear in the GB thread to alert any potential buyers to the situation.
GB: April 22nd
I’m(Kaysoo) a friend of the designer and me as another designer do not have any guilt on his mistakes and i don’t really want to discuss them much Thats the only truth behind all the mess created here
All the responses were managed by him because i really have no power to tell something besides things he wants me to tell.This IC from the start is his idea and his belonging
I(Kaysoo) just want to help
US: Kono Store
Canada: Deskhero
Europe: CandyKeys
Asia: ThicThock
Oceania: DailyClack
UK: Proto[Typist]
China: zFrontier
Hiidenkivi Design
Win Keys
Asero Foundry
Base USD $144.99
Alt Mods USD $89.99
Novelties USD $49.99
Spacebars USD $29.99
My name is Kozify and i am here to present you GMK Jelly Delights, this set is inspired by some of my favourite jellies that im literally eating right now, i really hope you like the concept!
Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate your time, attention, and feedback.

Alice-like-case by KraizesGB

Isometria by ebastler

Gemini by Hexgears

Keystone by Input Club


If you would like to support this set, paste this link into your profile signature!
Code: [Select]

[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=110737.0][img width=400 height=200]https://EnterEnter.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/geekhack/111390/bfzjcHd.gif?x-oss-process=style/EnterEnter[/img][/url]

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