类型: IC
作者: Rshape_Khoi
发布时间: 2021-02-11
更新时间: 2021-02-11 04:22:23
About us
RShape offers a 3D printing & CNC Machining service, has a small workshop based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
We have worked with many clients that made custom keyboards, and the more time we spend on them, the more we love them! Now we had the idea to make an artisan case and want to bring it in to life as a small contribution for the custom keyboard community. We hope to get your support !
Design 24 slots with 4 x 6 grid (20.5mm x 20.5mm) and a depth of 15mm
Artisan case has 2 pieces (base and cover), held together by magnets D3x2mm
Base made by CNC Aluminum 6061
Cover made by CNC Clear Acrylic
Color: Black/Grey
Dimensions: W x L x H (107mm x 153mm x 20mm)
I had made all 3 prototype versions but wondering which option is the best. That is why I made IC and hope you will help me to decide yours case. Kindly fill the ic form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDCGX-7FUKM2p4mvaDWJWtb1-uWPyyaHjAOuFju6wAqnb_KA/viewform?usp=pp_url
Thank for your feedback and hope to see you soon in GB,
Khoi from RShape [/list]