类型: IC
作者: fedemito
发布时间: 2020-08-13
更新时间: 2021-02-26 13:49:10
Group buy starts February 25, 2021!
**Hello, Im Federico from Italy. Welcome to the
Interest Check for Grand Tour!
Rama U80-A by rama.works
Render by Raz
Design and inspiration
Inspired from a poster (I love it) that my best
friends gave to me for my birthday a couple of years ago.
The poster itself is from NASA/JPL.
The Grand
Tour is the route the Voyager 2 spacecraft took to visit all
four outer planets. It’s a flight plan that’s possible every
175 years for the alignment of the outer planets of our
solar system.
My friend Alessandro Maranta worked on
the novelties design and he made a great job.
Designed by Raz
Solar System Light
Solar System Dark
Solar System Light Monochrome
Solar System Dark Monochrome
Full Album!
Disclaimer: note that the images are of 3D renders
and are for illustration purposes only. The final colors may
differ slightly.
Haus by Hand Engineering (render by
TGR Alice (render by Raz)
Rama M60 (render by me)
J-02 by Proto[Typist] Keyboards (render by me)
Rama U80-A Soya (render by me)
ePBT dyesub pbt
- EU: Candykeys
- CA: Ashkeebs
- Asia: Thicthock
- China: Kbdfans
- South America: Fancycustoms
- Oceania: Switchkeys
- US: MKUltra Corporation
I’m very happy to announce
some collaborations! I will be working for some artisan
keycaps with:
- Thok
- Artkey
I will be working for some cables with: - NerdCables
IC Form
Many thanks to the
following for your help and support during the design of
this set:
Alessandro Maranta for the novelties
Raz for the help with blender and for the
beatiful renders.
Kerasan for his support and ideas
Clack Club group on telegram for the feedback
I have to
thank konstantin, NoPunIn10Did, 40s discord and Keycap
Designers discord for the help with kitting.
Next Steps
- Getting prices
- 08/17: Updated kit renders to new base color
- 09/29: Added manufacturer
- 10/05: Added vendors, collaborations and new renders. Ic form updated with new renders
- 10/06 Added oceania vendor
- 10/10: Added renders
- 10/13: Added US vendor
- Small update on samples,kitting and a new collaboration
- 01/19/21 announced gb date and new kitting
- 02/02/21 Deskmats
**Old renders
Kit renders by me
Pizza keyboard, render by Raz (old base color)
- Clicky Clack Club Discord
Banner for signature
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[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=108068.0][img width=480 height=120]https://EnterEnter.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/geekhack/108068/hM4TX3N.png?x-oss-process=style/EnterEnter[/img][/url]