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【IC】GMK Nova

类型: IC
作者: Samwello
发布时间: 2020-05-04 15:39:08
更新时间: 2020-08-08 21:50:44
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=106156.0

“When a star goes supernova, the explosion emits enough light to overshadow an entire solar system,
even a galaxy. Such explosions can set off the creation of new stars.
In its own way, it was not unlike being born.”
-Todd, Nelson

GMK Nova is designed after a galaxy; a galaxy which inspires hopes and dreams when looking to it from lightyears away. The color scheme of this set fades from a bright blue/green into a dark navy. This gradient represents a nova and its light from a distant galaxy. The white legends on these keycaps are like tiny stars shining through the darkness of the universe. I would love all of your thoughts/feedback/ ideas. Thank you all!
Also, I just wanted to give you a link to the beautiful set SA DreamEater: http://www.mechsupply.co.uk/product/sa-dreameater
Even though DreamEater and my set are different and are not related, they can appear similar. So please feel free to check it out if you haven’t already!
:Base Elements:
The Base Kit. Updated to include support for a variety of different layouts.

:Star Elements:
The Novelties. These help to inspire the feeling of space even further.

:Extension Elements:
The Extension Kit. This expands the compatibility with different layouts.

:Space Elements:
Spacebar Kit. This allows you to better choose the gradient of the spacebar, f row, and bottom row keys.

These enhance the space theme and match the base kit.

I have updated the base kit to accommodate a larger array of layouts. I have also added a few more sets to either cater to different layouts, enhance the gradient, or add more novelties to the novelty kit.
/To-Do List/
Contact Vendors.
More Renders

/TGR Jane/
Colors: All of these colors are matched to exact Pantone colors.
IC Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf33nOxM7yuaFpZwoPlmj7p_GYaGekn3R4TMhpseHY8w07hcg/viewform
Please note that these are the same keycaps under the name “Galaxy Keycaps” on reddit. Here is the link to it: https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/g1jxog/galaxy_keycaps_cherry_dsa_or_sa_feedback/
Here is a link to my Discord server if anyone wants updates: https://discord.gg/TYWJ5FA
Huge thanks to Papi the Red for designing the novelties/deskpads and for doing the deskmat renders! Also, another huge thanks to Kingk22 for doing the keycap renders!

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