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【IC】Infinikey: PBT Islander - GB May 15 to 29 Deskmats added

类型: IC
作者: Abec13
发布时间: 2020-04-14 12:32:55
更新时间: 2020-05-14 14:40:55
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=105735.0

The leaf, bag, and fossil have been modified to be less IP heavy.
225 Fishing rod novelty has been sized to fit a 1.5 novelty now.
A variation of fishing novelties has been added to 1.5 and is mirrored across the sides.
1.25 Fishing novelty has also been mirrored.
Added blue 1.25 Shift to Extension Kit for 40s users who will use this on the right side.
Added green 1.75 Shift for 40s users to use on the left side.
Added blue 1.00 Shift to Extension kit for Minivan users that will use this on the right side.
Changed blue 2u Shift to green as this is actually used on the left side.
Added brown accented leaf to novelties for 40s users to use as an escape novelty.
Added blue tilde-grave.
Added blue and green (whatever the name of that) ISO key.
Moved accent arrows and numpad enter to add on kit.
Removed 1.5u “Function” keys from Add On kit, as there is already a 1.5u Alt and Fn in Base Kit.
Centered icons.
Added Canadian Proxy.
Just like many have, I missed out on the New Horizons edition Switch – this is me over compensating.
If you couldn’t get the switch, can’t get the switch, already had one… here’s your chance to get it on your keyboard.
With the power of PBT this set is going to have the massive novelty kit it deserves.
Special thanks to meatsmoothies for the help with all of these novelties in such a small time window.
If you need novelty work done, highly recommend.
Group Buy Date: May 15, 2020 - May 29, 2020
NA: The Key Company
ASIA: zFrontier
OCEANIA: Switch Keys
EU: Prototypist
CA: Deskhero
Art Caps
For this set I will be working with:
CYSM: https://www.instagram.com/cysm_caps/
Alpha Keys: https://www.instagram.com/alphakeycaps/
Archetype: https://www.instagram.com/archetype_mk/
Please consider following their Instagrams to keep on top of when they will be running artisan raffles for this set!
As with most artisan keycap raffles, only those who purchased a base kit will be eligible to win.
IC Form: https://forms.gle/AZq2jJ7NeDerm3ym8
Base Kit - $80

Novelties - $30

Expansion Kit - $40

Iron 165



Islander Hopper Mat - $20

Investors Mat (blue) - $20

Investors Mat (green) - $20

Please consider supporting this set by adding to your signature :)
Code: [Select]


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