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Hike News

【IC】Japanese text desk mats (90 cm x 40 cm)

类型: IC
作者: ScottInTokyo
发布时间: 2020-02-17 01:12:35
更新时间: 2020-02-19 02:06:43
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=104714.0

People in the MechKeys discord told me there would be a big demand for desk mats with Japanese text, so I mocked these up.
I found a supplier ( https://www.yourplaymat.com) who can put them up at $30 for:

  • 90 cm x 40 cm
  • Rubber bottom, cloth top
  • Stitched edges
  • Free worldwide shipping from the US and China/support
    But he’ll only do the prep/put them on the site if there’s a decent amount of interest (understandably), so the MechKeys folks told me to do an IC here.
    I have all of the designs in vector (done up in Illustrator) so they should be ready to tweak and/or print.
    Translations are:
    White: Mechanical Keyboard
    Red: Hell
    Small: Switches, keycaps, customs . . . All I can eat are cup noodles
    Top and bottom: No keyboards // No Life
    Escape icon: Run away
    Pink: Mechanical Keyboard
    Cyan: Heaven
    Small text: There’s no point if you don’t make it yourself!
    Please look around and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
    Same as /#4 but in black since some people seemed a little more interested…
    Poll on Google Forms: https://forms.gle/uA6R4N1xtPAe39Ja6
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