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Hike News

【IC】JetVan PCB (MiniVan case compatible)

类型: IC
作者: evangs
发布时间: 2019-11-19 23:32:15
更新时间: 2019-11-19 23:32:15
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=103487.0

JetVan is a minivan case compatible pcb the supports a single layout. The pcb requires soldering the switches.
All smd components are pre soldered. The pcb has 10 rgb leds for underglow. The price will be ~$40 + shipping ($4 USA, $20 INT).
The production run will be black with white silkscreen.
The name JetVan comes from this layout originally being proposed by Jetpacktuxedo.
IC Form
