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Hike News

【IC】GMK Grape Soda (Purple Drank)

类型: IC
作者: YackamoJack
发布时间: 2019-09-15 05:19:27
更新时间: 2019-10-09 14:20:46
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=102428.0

Hey guys!
Welcome to GMK Grape Soda, or nicknamed through r/mm GMK Purple Drank.
I recently got the idea for this keyset through a fellow mm user u/WAVES_DONT_DIE when he unveiled GMK Citrus and I suggested that he might want to call it “GMK Orange Soda”. This immediately got me thinking about other soda themed keysets that could be done. I am going to keep the kit choices as small as possible to provide a support for a variety of layouts in the base kit. This is a collaborative effort with Waves so make sure to thank him if you see him around.
This is my first gb so I have been working for a while tuning colors and taking feedback from the community.
Since this is the first time it is being posted in here I hope I can get some feedback from you guys!
Color Pallet: https://imgur.com/a/rwVuDBy
Renders: https://imgur.com/a/arSO1fJ
Hey guys!
Welcome back to GMK Grape Soda?
The reason I say that is I have been thinking alot about what I officially want to call this set. GMK Grape Soda or GMK Purple Drank? I feel it is only fair that I leave it up to the community to decide, as this set has evolved thanks to your guys feedback!
A decision must be made https://forms.gle/tbbVTuc6wtoGoEAK6
Anyways, here are the kit Renders done by Kingk22
/the accent legend color is not correct/ /I missed that/ /but it is correct on board renders/
(Let me know which novelty’s you want to see in the final kit and If you want them all included!)(Click the form below for the kit poll!)

Board Renders done by Abec13
After OneCreativeMind did the Noveltys for the set I had to have him do some Desk mats with your guys support for them, and of course they turned out amazing!
Let me know which deskmats you want included in the GB by using the form below!
/updated this deskmat/
Also, never even really thought about it, but do we want Icon+text mods, text mods, or just icon mods? Post your answers below!
Thanks to everyone for your support and feedback!
Big Shout to OneCreativeMind, Kingk22, and Abec13 for the designs and renders as well as WAVES_DONT_DIE for the renders and for collaborating with me on the set!
To Do:
Modifiers Change?
Name Change?
Finalize Kits
Finalize Extras
New Renders
Contact Vendors
Contact GMK
Change Log:
Updated Grape Deskmat

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