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Hike News

【IC】Sydney Meet-up 2019 RAMA Works Artisan Keycap - Available on DailyClack!

类型: IC
作者: premise_
发布时间: 2019-08-15 06:08:34
更新时间: 2019-09-02 07:35:42
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=102013.0

Hello everyone.
As part of the efforts being done in organizing the Sydney Mechanical Keyboard Meet-up of 2019, we have partnered with RAMA Works for an artisan keycap

If you’re interested in getting one, feel free to fill up the interest check form.
We are looking to start pre-order by 3rd/4th week of August
Fulfillment is targetted to be Mid november - 1 week before the meet-up
Price is $38 USD + shipping (or pick up during the meet-up)
Meet-up is slated for November 30, 2019 @ the NSW Teacher’s Federation Conference Centre - Heritage Room
All income generated from this collab will be used towards funding the Sydney Meet-up!
If you have any comments, suggestions, remarks, or questions, feel free to PM me via discord @ Ryan-/#8150
UPDATE: DailyClack comes in and saves the day! The SydMeet 2019 RAMA Works Artisan Keycap will go on DailyClack.
Price (should still be around $38 usd converted)
Shipping will be fulfilled through DailyClack OR Pick-up during the event

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