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Hike News

【GB】Healios, Zealios V2, Zilents V2, Rev4 Zeal60 (Black & Gold), etc.

类型: GB
作者: Zeal
发布时间: 2018-09-21 02:15:54
更新时间: 2018-09-21 02:15:54
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=97443.0

Hey GH,
We’ve been pretty busy working on a few new products/revisions and glad to announce it’s finally live! A few notable changes: No more paypal fee at checkout. Updated tactile bumps and silencing. New black & gold Zeal60 aesthetic.
You can find our full range of GB items here: https://zealpc.net/collections/group-buy-pre-orders
Or alternatively, click on the below images to be brought to the product page directly.
Orange Healios (Silent Linear, new bottom out dampeners) - $0.90/ea

Zilent V2 (Silent Tactile, new bottom out dampeners) Updated bump, similar to Zealio V2 - $0.90/ea

Zealio V2 (updated tactile bump, rounder/bigger than Holy Pandas) - $0.75/ea

Tealios (Linear) - $0.75:

Zeal60 Rev 4 (Black & Gold aesthetic, USB C) $120

Zeal Transparent Stabilizers V2 - Starting from $30

Zealencio Silencing Clips - Starting from $45

Zephyr - Starting from $600, Ending Sept 21, 2018 midnight.

Any questions, feel free to ask below :)

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