Hike News
Hike News

【GB】Idea23 60% cases, HHKB mods, Topre gaming sets, DSA caps and more

类型: GB
作者: busgamer7394
发布时间: 2017-05-09 10:36:14
更新时间: 2017-05-12 20:47:29
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=89445.0

I normally don’t post on here but have been trying to post more often. I have a decent rep on mechmarket and you can see my sales history on my Reddit account, same username.
I did the interest check for resin cases here, and now have low profile cases available for order. High profile is coming soon.
Custom orders timeline,
Week 1 5/7-5/12 taking orders and sending out invoices,I extended the order dates and some forms my not reflect this change yet.
Week 2 5/13-5/20 Setting up/ making molds for caps ordered
Week 3 5/21- 6/16 as caps get made they will begin shipping out.
Week 6 All orders should ship by june 16, orders not shipped by this date can do 1 of 3 things. 1 get free shipping, 2 get free stuff in their order, 3 cancel order and get a refund.
Some of the things for sale and the max number of orders i’ll be accepting:

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