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Hike News

【GB】GMK White on Black Icon Mods (Shipped - Extras available!)

类型: GB
作者: zennasyndroxx
发布时间: 2016-03-05 10:17:34
更新时间: 2017-05-28 11:25:48
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=80267.0

99% of the orders have been shipped today! missed out 2 orders today and will ship them tomorrow.
Check the spreadsheet below for tracking info:
in which you can track them in the page below:
Also, need to re-raffle the BBv2 as I’ve missed out a few names. Re-raffling is justified to make it fair imo
There’s extras too! you can get the extras in the link below:
Mod Note: Removed order link as OP has been inactive recently.

For those who has joined this GB, hope RNGesus blesses you with the MX Conservative Red BBv2 as pictured above.
Live raffle soon. most probably friday 4:20 pm EDT
GMK Icon Mod Pack - $55 per pack + $10 shipping (w/ tracking) + PayPal fees
Note: Shipping might vary depending on how many packs you’re getting.
How to order?
Orders closed :(
Details of this set:
GMK render here:

Now with additional ISO keys!

-Support for ISO, HHKB, Winkeyless (84/86), Winkey

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