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【Interest Check】 - TG3 BL82 (International Redirect) ﹢ Deck82 Casings

类型: GB
作者: Blazestorm
发布时间: 2012-03-05 23:46:52
更新时间: 2012-03-07 22:01:41
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=28252.0

So some people are aware of the great deal on TG3 BL82’s from GlobalTek here
And most know that these are essentially Deck82’s for a 1/3 of the cost with a few differences.
Notes about TG3 BL82:

  • 2KRO (Some 3 key combos fail)
  • Red LED backlight
  • PS/2
  • Compatible with Deck82 Casing
  • Black Cherry MX Switches
  • Splash guard (Easily removed)
    Some international people were looking at picking these up but the shipping costs from GlobalTek make it not worth the effort. I thought I’d offer the option to some to order a few of these and ship them out USPS to save some money. I don’t expect anyone domestic to want to order, unless someone local to me wants to save a bit on shipping (It’s about $15 to ship a single board to me, but shipping dropped down to about $4 per board once we ordered 15). I’m not looking to do a massive order as we only save money on shipping and there are some people local to GlobalTek that might be able to offer a better deal.
    The other main part of this group-buy is Deck82 casings from http://www.deckkeyboards.com . They’re all $15 + shipping and most people found that shipping was nearly the same cost as the casing, even worse for international folk. So I’m offering to order up a bunch of those and ship them out USPS as well. They should be light enough to go First-class, if not still cheaper going Priority.

View items
Deck82 Casing
TG3 BL82
TG3 BL82 - $50.00
Deck82 Casing - $15.00
**TG3 BL82 shipping cost to me
1 - $15.25 per board
5 - $7.00 per board
10 - $5.50 per board
15 - $3.75 per board
20 - $3.50 per board
25 - $3.50 per board
**Deck82 Casing shipping cost to me
1 - $14.50 per case
5 - $3.25 per case
10 - $2.00 per case
15 - $1.50 per case
20 - $1.25 per case
25 - $1.00 per case
Interested BuyersBlazestorm - 1 x BL82, 1 x Deck82 Clear
telepete - 1 x BL82, 1 x Deck82 Clear
ekw808 - 1 x Deck82 Clear
bazemk1979 - 1 x BL82, 1 x Deck82 Clear
Icarium - 1 x Deck82 Clear
nsix - 1 x Deck82 Clear

Total3 x BL82
6 x Deck82 Case - Clear

So if we get enough people interested to save us some money then we’ll go through with it. I’ll probably pick up one BL82 and case for myself. I do not know the exact dimensions or weight of the box for calculating shipping costs. If anyone has a BL82 and could measure the box it came in (I’ll probably modify it to cut off the extra bit at the bottom for the BL82 with trackpad). and weigh it, that would be great.
I want this to be quick, hopefully ordered within a week and shipped out from me the day after I get them. These aren’t custom parts so this is just to see how many people want to save a few bucks.
Reply in this thread with how many TG3 BL82’s you want, and how many Deck82 casings you want and what color. You do not have to get both

And I realize I’m fairly new here, but I’ve done trading on forums for a long time, here’s my heatware.
