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【GB】Pikatea Keyboard KP69 - A budget build, gasket mounted, 69% with knob

类型: GB
作者: JackPikatea
发布时间: 2022-05-02 10:28:14
更新时间: 2022-06-13 14:23:04
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=117098.0

Pikatea Keyboard KP69
A budget build, 3D printed, gasket mounted, 69% keyboard with a knob.
Vendor/Product Page
Hello and welcome to the GB page for the Pikatea Keyboard KP69!
The Pikatea Keyboard KP69 is designed to be a budget friendly keyboard without sacrificing important features. It features many layout options to suit all sorts of preferences and a rotary encoder for extra knob action. Gasket mounted on 2mm of foam, it’s a surprisingly nice typing experience for a 3D printed board at this price range. Configure the keyboard exactly how you want!
The goal of this keyboard is to provide a nice looking and unique board at a decent price point.
Group Buy Details

  • open 5/2/2022 to 6/2/2022 or 200 units sold (currently closed)
  • ship date - November 25th 2022
  • Vendor and manufacturer - Pikatea
  • priced at $120 USD for kit, $168 USD for a kit without soldering, $226 USD for a soldered, assembled build and $264 USD for a hotswappable, assembled build.
    -3D printed in PLA at 0.3mm layer height in 1 piece on textured PEI
    -3 case designs (shard, flat, and cheese)
    -bottom row blockers on any keys desired
    -gasket bracket mount
    -FR4 Plate
    -plate mounted encoder
    -soldered PCB or 0305 mil-max hot-swapped by me
    -5° typing angle
    -front face height 21mm with feet
    -many layout options
    -many colors

