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【GB】Coldtop Topre deskpad, sleeve, t-shirts, hoodies and sticker!

类型: GB
作者: Pitrek
发布时间: 2022-04-27 13:59:04
更新时间: 2022-07-09 04:56:34
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=117030.0

Hello Geekhack,
Peter from Mechfashion here. :)
I’m happy to show you Coldtop Topre collection - deskpad, sleeve, t-shirts, hoodies and stickers! :cool:
Check the collection here: https://mechfashion.com/product-category/coldtop-topre
or just the deskpad here: https://deskpads.gallery/product/coldtop-topre

GB dates: April 25, 2022 – May 25, 2022
Estimated shipping date: August 2022
Big shoutout to nostyle.systems for allowing us to use this design!

Thank you so much & have a great day! ;)
