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【GB】ePBT ABS Doubleshot Vermilion on Oil | Group-buy ended

类型: GB
作者: teddo
发布时间: 2022-02-05 12:24:48
更新时间: 2022-02-21 20:38:59
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=116185.0

ePBT ABS DOUBLESHOT Vermilion on Oil

GB February 6 - February 20, 2022
Oil (also known as crow green) was chosen as the theme colour for this basic keycap set. It’s a colour we see a lot frequently. Much like the oil that we use on a daily basis, “Oil” is black in the core and black with olive. While “Vermillion” is a colour that falls between red and orange. It was once known as a rogue for applying powder in ancient times when it was constructed of an opaque cinnabar material. At the same time, it is more like a symbol in this set that represents the flame. After this, ePBT Vermillion on Oil (VOO) has the illusion of oil leaks and setting on flames. So now, let’s set the heather ablaze for the set! Shall we?

FamousKBD (Rest of the World)
Teddo (Malaysia)
Keebz N Cables (Australia & New Zealand)
**Price : 79USD
Designed by FamousKBD and WindStudio
Material: ABS material
Profile: Cherry Profile
Production Method: Doubleshot
Total Keys: 155 keys
Thickness: 1.5mm
Manufacturer: ePBT
Available unit : 200 sets
In order to provide the best experience for our supporters, we will abolish the old traditional group buy concept with long lead time for our first set. Therefore, no need to be worry for the MOQ and you may place the order happily without the wait of time. Also, the expected group buy will begin around February 2022 and we will send the orders that had been placed to your doorstep after the group buy is over (estimated arrival time within 1 to 2 months, after group buy ended).


All in One Kit [155 keys]
Vast60 by Createkeebs

Thera75 by Createkeebs

Wind X by windstudio

Real life images of ePBT Vermilion on Oil

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