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Hike News

【GB】GMK Nightlight | September 15th to October 15th

类型: GB
作者: frostykoala
发布时间: 2021-09-14 20:18:31
更新时间: 2021-09-19 10:28:08
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=114594.0

Group Buy Runs from September 15th to October 15th!
Landing Page for all things GMK Nightlight http://gmknightlight.com/
Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/2wRMs5j

Where to buy?

**CannonKeys DeskHero MyKeyboard Prototypist
ZFrontier ilumkb SwagKeys DailyClack
Base Kit:

A kit that provides compatibility for the most common to some of the more obscure layouts. Included but not limited to a compatibility of 3 key 40’s support, thorough coverage for 60’s and also coverage for 65%, 75%, TKL, 1800, and full-size boards.

A novelties kit that can cover the macro column of a 65% and also the first row of a Nav Cluster on a TKL.

Bars that cover Alice, HHKB, 7u layouts, and accent arrows.

Metal Artisan

Board Renders
TGR Jane by Yuktsi


TGR 910 by Yuktsi


TGR Alice by Yuktsi


G1800 by Sghost

Click here for more renders on the MB44, Dalco, G1800


Artisan by Clack.keys: https://www.clackeys.com/gmk-nightlight
Cable by Keebstuff: https://keebstuff.com/products/nightlight/
Cable by RocketCables: https://www.rocketcables.com/products/gb-gmk-nightlight-cable
Signature and Thanks
If you’d love to show your support please add this signature!

Code: [Select]

[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=111491.0][img width=350 height=127]https://EnterEnter.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/geekhack/114594/JCj3X0Y.png?x-oss-process=style/EnterEnter[/img][/url]
Estimated Ship Date is Q4 of 2022
Mandatory Disclaimer: These renders are in no way an accurate guarantee of the physical representation of the final product and some changes may be present when comparing the physical product to these renders.
Lastly of course the thanks,
Thanks to these people but not limited to:
Swishy, Rayhdalio, sGhost, Oggi, Illusion, Skok, Kumori, and everyone else that helped me.
Thanks for reading.

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