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Hike News

【GB】DSA DN - a 40% Keyboard Keyset

类型: GB
作者: MikeTheTiger
发布时间: 2021-07-02 05:54:33
更新时间: 2021-07-21 20:14:43
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=113626.0

We Are Live!!
Announcing DSA DN, a DSA keyset inspired by a meme of a meme. DN is an integral part of the 40% keyboard lifestyle. By simply putting DN on your keyboard, you show others that you aren’t some run of the mill Normie. You’re an intellectual, a trend setter and most importantly, not afraid to show off a little of DN. DN will open doors for you in ways you can’t imagine! DN are a status symbols, lusted after by Normies around the world. Guys…the ladies will absolutely love the sight of DN on your keyboard. And ladies…you’ll drive your old man into a jealous rage when he sees DN on yours. Get ready folks, because DN have dropped!!
Group Buy runs July 2nd - August 8th
Album: https://imgur.com/a/k8F6Gnu
/* Starter Pack: $88 (MoQ 75)
/* Fanny Pack: $28 (MoQ 50)
/* 20 Sack of DN: $17 (no MoQ)
/* DSA ISO Enter key: $10 (no MoQ)
/* Color codes: Blue (BFP), White (WA)
/* Doubleshot ABS in DSA profile
/* Manufactured by Signature Plastics
/* DSS DN Novelty key will be added to all Starter Pack orders for FREE!! Extras will go on sale after the Group Buy.
/* Trashcon Icons by Trashman
/* Renders by MakerJake
/* Vendor: https://keyboardarcade.xyz/
/* Join the discussion on the 40% Discord

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