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Hike News

【GB】DSS Sencillo | 15 May - 15 June !

类型: GB
作者: arq1999
发布时间: 2021-05-11 19:36:20
更新时间: 2021-05-16 11:29:08
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=112771.0

Hi Today I bring you DSS Sencillo. It started as a 40s Kit, but now is for everyone and also has New trash icons made by the trashman! This was made by Chamoy and me

What?DSS Set made by Signature Plastics. Production time is 12 weeks
Shipping? OCT 2021
When? 05/15/21 To 06/15/21
Where? Many Places
Icons? By Trash Icons by Trash man
Colors? Stock SP Colors
Alphas: WFK
Legends: GB
Accents: RCJ, BFQ, RCS
SP Chips Below


Accents Bundles are: Teal/Purple and Yellow/Pink

Macros, Numpad, UK ISO

Space Bars

Render Gallery
/*More Renders are Coming Soon and Renders Not Representative of Final Product
Brutal60 By Cannon Keys

V4N By Trashman

Styrka by Viktus Design

MB44 is By MelonBred


More Renders


Deskmats Below



Story with Render

Orbit with Render

How it came to be
It all started by my friend Chamoy and his love for 40s. We started this in January and it was only going to be a 40s Set because he likes that. We choose DSS because of the short production time. We wanted something Sencillo(Simple), clean and bit pastel. We really hope you like the set and can support us in GB. If you have more information please feel free to ask below.

  • Firstly I would to thank Nasp for all his help with the project and the renders as well
  • Vheissu for his art directions and helping with making it cute
  • To Trash Man for giving permission to use his icons in the set and Deskmat
  • To all my mods and mocos as well.
    Socials and Keep up with project
    This is my insta if you want to check me out: https://www.instagram.com/arqkeebs/
  • Show Your Support by Using This Signature! Thank you*

Code: [Select]

[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=111960.0][img width=302 height=120]https://EnterEnter.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/geekhack/112771/jxKoVw6.png?x-oss-process=style/EnterEnter[/img][/url]

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