Hike News
Hike News

【GB】GMK Red Dragon

类型: GB
作者: Rensuya
发布时间: 2020-10-10 17:37:31
更新时间: 2020-10-11 14:14:22
原链接: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=109000.0

Hey everyone!
I’m happy to bring you the 3rd installment of my element keyset series,GMK Red Dragon.
Just as dragons are mythical creatures born of fire, so is this keyset!
I hope you enjoy the dark red modifiers, with the legends appearing as bright embers
amongst the dark ashy grey alphas.

“Here be dragons”
Available Oct 1 - Nov 1 from these vendors:
US: Cannonkeys
EU: MyKeyboard
Oceania: DailyClack
Asia: iLumKB
Canada: DeskHero
Ukraine/Russia/Belarus: Funkeys




Red Dragon

Gold Dragon

RAMA caps
Red Fire

Gold Fire

Red Dragon

Gold Dragon

RAMA Renders

Set Renders
Satisfaction 75 | Upas

Keyboard: IC coming soon

Adelie | Abec13

HBCP | Hiney

Estimated Date of Delivery: Q3 2021
Special Thanks
Renders: Abec13
Feedback/Support: Xer, Hisui, Upas, Abec, Locke, OCM
Zhuyin Legends: OCM & Hoodrow

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